EU-Latin America Cooperation
on Civil Aviation II
Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil II
COCESNA Council Meeting
San José, Costa Rica, 11 July 2019
EU-LAC APP project took part in the COCESNA Council meeting on 11 July 2019 in San José (Costa Rica), together with representatives from the six Central American States, and in the presence of the Executive President of COCESNA (Corporación Centroamericana de Servicios de Navegación Aérea) and the Minister of Transport of Costa Rica.
The EU-LAC APP was invited to provide an update on the activities the project is implementing with ACSA, the Central American RSOO. The intervention was highly appreciated as a good overview not only of the achievements, but also of the challenges that ACSA is facing. All participants expressed their appreciation for the support that the European Union, through EASA, is providing for the benefit of aviation safety in Central America.
In front of the ACSA Headquarters, the Directors of the three Agencies composing COCESNA and the EU LAC APP project team.