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ATM Development Workshop COCESNA

San Jose, Costa Rica, 28 - 30 January 2020

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COCESNA has implemented or is in the process of implementing several centralised services which closely resemble those currently existing in Europe. In order to support this trend and promote European and international standards, technologies, and approaches in the region, EASA organised a 3 day workshop in order to provide further insight into the European centralised services within the ATM/ANS domain, specifically taking into account the service provision and certification/oversight aspects.


This workshop aimed at promoting European and international standards, systems and best practices with regards to the provision, regulation, certification and oversight of regional ATM/ANS services. There are several such services which are currently being developed or are of interest to ACNA/ACSA, such as ADS-B, centralized flight plan management, or Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM). This workshop allowed to identify and explore areas where ACNA/ACSA can progress in the development of regional regulatory instruments as well as opportunities for implementing best practices with regards to regional ATM/ANS services, technologies and operational concepts.


Envisaged results/outcomes
The participants were provided with a view of how regional services have evolved in Europe, particularly taking into account the roles of Eurocontrol, EASA, and National Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation Service Providers. European procedures, agreements, technologies and standards were promoted as the best fit for COCESNA/ACSA as they further evolve into an integrated regional Service Provider and Authority.


Target group
The target group for this activity are COCESNA/ACSA personnel involved in Air Traffic Management, specifically those with an management position and technical/operational background. 

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