EU-Latin America Cooperation
on Civil Aviation II
Cooperación entre La Unión Europea y América Latina en Materia de Aviación Civil II
Drones Workshop
Lima, Perú, 20 - 22 February 2019
The joint event organised by EASA (through the EU-LAC APP project) and SRVSOP will take place in Lima, Perú on 20 – 22 February 2019, with the participation of some 100 delegates from across Latin America.
The workshop has the following objectives:
To provide the participants with the European and Latin American experience on the certification and operation of drones, surveillance and integration into the airspace;
To share experiences, challenges, and solutions among the participants from aviation authorities, industry and other relevant stakeholders.
Panellists from EASA, SRVSOP, Civil Aviation Authorities and industry will provide their view on the above topics.
Event documents:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
More information about EU and EASA drone related activities can be found here:
- EU website
- EASA website