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Participation in 26th ICAO South America Implementation Group (SAMIG) Workshop

Online, 20 - 23 September 2021 

The SAM Implementation Group (SAMIG) Workshops/Meetings gather representatives from Civil Aviation Authorities, Air Navigation Service Providers, industry and other organisations within the South America Region every 6 months with the purpose of assessing the level of progress with regards to technical and operational developments in Air Navigation of regional importance, as well as to jointly plan future steps and ensure coordination.


During the SAMIG 26th meeting taking place 20-23 of September 2021, the EU-LAC APP presented the relevant activities performed in the project in the ATM/ANS context, promoting the work being performed with partners, and encouraged partners and other states to identify further areas of cooperation. The EU-LAC APP expert also contributed to the discussions with insights on European approaches and best practices to respond to the issues being faced in the region. Additionally, discussions took place with project partners and European industry to discuss possible future activities within the frame of the project.


The EU-LAC APP presentation can be found here.

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